Hello everyone, Welcome to Everything Cars and More. Happy New year. Seeing it is another year it is time to choose a theme. Now, reviewing cars is all and good but with competition getting tighter and tighter over the past 4 and a half years I have been doing Everything Cars and More we need to get tighter with reviewing the cars. This means being more critical and picking each one with a fine-tooth combe. Now I’m not going to sound like any other car reviewer, that’s not what Everything Cars and More is about. We will still be reviewing cars in the same style as before, but it will be more about the day to day living aspect of it. We will be seeing how easy it is to live with and how efficient it will be to live with and if the car suits the customer. Now I believe when it comes to sales it is always the customer that knows what car suits them. this is the same with reviews so if there is any information that you would like to know or a subject you would like me to add to my reviews then leave a comment below to let me know.
Along with this change we have also updated our website. We have refined it and cleaned some areas up and added some new subjects to make finding what you want much easier than before. We have added an Awards tab so you can see the best car for that category. We have also added a subscribe section so you can now get weekly updates through our new Everything Cars and More Newsletter platform. In the future we will continue to refine and add new features as and when needed to make sure we stay ahead of the game and to make it as easy for you as possible. We hope you enjoy the new redesign and we look forward to going ahead on this journey together.
If there are any changes you would like to see then let us know by contacting us.
Have a great year everyone